Thursday, May 15, 2008

Week 2, Day 9 of Senior Project!

Today was another busy and exciting day. Erin and I went to school at 9:00 so that Erin could practice with the Jazz Band for her performance this Saturday night. For about a half hour, while Erin was singing, I organized a lot of the senior project data that is on my desktop and made folders for each restaurant. Each folder now includes the selected pictures that will go in the binder, the review, and the sample menu. I also researched a few of the restaurants that didn’t seem to have website or business cards to see if there was an alternative website that might have some of the information we need.

After Erin completed her Jazz Band practice, we went to assembly. Assembly was especially special for me today for I was inducted into the National Honors Society; I was so surprised! This is such an honor and I am so gracious to proctor for being the pillar that has helped me succeed in all aspects of my life and that has helped me reach this point.

After assembly and after receiving our yearbooks (!!!), at 11:00, Erin and I went straight over to meet with Kim Hurlbutt about the possibility of creating a webpage of our Top 20 Restaurants. It was a pleasure meeting Kim, as I had never met her before. Erin and I explained the details of our project and what are key goals are for finishing the project. We even brought our binder along to the meeting to show Kim exactly what the finished product will look like. This definitely gave her a better idea of all the various components of our project. Kim loved the idea of adding all our information to a Dining area of the Proctor A-Z website. We explained to her that we only have one more week left of our project, and although we would love to do the website, we will only be able to if it doesn’t jeopardize our main project. Kim completely agreed with this and said she would talk to her colleagues and get back to us about how and when we will be able to work on a website. After our meeting, Kim and one of her colleagues asked if it would be alright if they take pictures of Erin and I to put on the family page. They wanted the photos to be candid, so Erin and I mocked working on our binder; it was fun!

At 11:30, Erin and I left and came back to my house. After lunch, from 12:00 – 5:00, Erin and I worked continuously on our binder. We did the same thing as yesterday; cutting out menus, background paper, and directions. This process is very time consuming, as we are very precise with the cutting. By the end of the five hours, I was covered in scrap paper, pencils, and extra rulers!!! Unfortunately, near the end of our work today, Erin and I both ran out of background paper, so we will have to buy some more tomorrow or this weekend. However, we did not let this stop us, and we continued working on just cutting out the directions and menus so that when we do get the paper, everything will be ready to go! Tomorrow looks like Erin and I might have to work separately and I plan on doing a lot of writing!

Until then –



Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your induction into the National Honor Society. I was at the assembly for the ceremony.