Friday, May 9, 2008

Week 1, Day 5 of Senior Project!

Well, this is the last day of Week One of our Senior Project, and what a successful week it has been! I was actually wrong about thinking today would be hectic. Although the day did start off in a frantic manner, everything soon slowed down, which I must say I was happy about!

At 11:15, Erin came over to my house. The both of us sat down and talked about my visit to Bistro Nouveau last night. We reviewed our Top 20 list and discussed whether Bistro Nouveau should be on the list or not; I definitely think it is worthy of a spot on our list! I described to Erin, in detail, how my night at the restaurant went and why it is so great for Proctor families. After talking about our Top 20 list (which is 99% in final form), we looked over our blogs to help us fill out our individual time sheets. What help the blogs are! Without the blog I would have had a lot of trouble recording the exact hours spent on each task. Looking over our time sheet really showed the both us how much work we’ve completed; 30 hours!

At 11:45, we left my house and drove to school so that Erin could practice singing with the Jazz band for next weekend’s performance in the wise. From 12:00 – 12:45, while I waited for Erin, I finished editing all the pictures from New London, Hanover, and Lebanon!

After Erin was done practicing, from 12:45 – 1:45, we spent time in a meeting with our mentor Jane and also handed in our weekly time sheets to Michele. Jane was so pleased with all the work we’ve accomplished thus far and complemented our blogs! We told her all about our newest restaurant discoveries and ideas for our project. She wanted to hear all about our encounters with the owners and staff. When we handed in out time sheets to Michelle, we spent a little time talking with her about a couple restaurants we were unsure about. She had a lot of great input that Erin and I took into consideration. We had a very nice chat and are looking forward for when she does a profile of our project! ; )

At 2:00, Erin dropped me off at my house. For the next two hours, from 2:00 – 4:00, I began weeding out the pictures I think are unnecessary for our binder or that do not show the restaurant in that best light. This process is difficult because I took so many great pictures, but we only have a enough room for a few pictures per each restaurant, so I ended up having to delete many pictures that I really liked. I also uploaded the pictures I took yesterday of The Inn at Pleasant Lake and Bistro Nouveau; I’ll edit those photos this upcoming week.

From 4:00 – 4:30, I visited La Meridiana. Erin and I have had our reservations about placing La Meridiana on our Top 20 list because he rarely takes more than a handful of tables every night (he is the only cook) and some find the atmosphere not to their liking. The restaurant is very uniqe and I fully understand why some may feel a certain way about it. However, I know the cook/owner personally and love his food, so Erin and I both definitely thought I should go over there to talk with him and see if he would like to be on our list. When I entered the restaurant, he was already prepping in the kitchen for dinner that night. He was very pleased to see me and responded with a “Yes that would be good!” I then proceeded to take pictures of the restaurant. We’ll see if La Meridiana ends up on our list or not – it’ll be a surprise!

From 5:30 – 6:30, I worked on a few of my reviews from the restaurants in the Hanover/Lebanon area. I had to fill out an important application for a program at the college I’m attending next fall, and was hoping I would be done in time to join Erin, her mother, and Margaret at Carpaccio for dinner, but I wasn’t able to finish! I’m sure they had a wonderful dinner and am looking forward to hearing all about it!

Everything is really coming along. I can’t wait until Monday when Erin and I start really putting the binder together. Until then –
