Monday, May 5, 2008

First Day Of Senior Project!

I woke up being incredibly excited to begin my Senior Project! I have waited four years for this opportunity and it has finally arrived! I was delighted to look outside and see that it would be a beautiful day. At 12:00, my partner, Erin, came to my house so that we could begin our project. Erin and I sat down and collaborated to create a criteria checklist that we would bring to each restaurant. We brainstormed what the most important factors for each restaurant would be. With such an array of restaurants to visit, it was difficult to pinpoint the common factors that all the restaurants must share in order to make our Top 20 list. Our final checklist includes factors such as the restaurant’s atmosphere, food price, dress code, service, and distance from Proctor Academy.

After completing the checklist, Erin and I talked about the plan for today. From the list of Top 20 restaurants we created, Erin and I decided that we should tackle New London first since the restaurants we chose from that area are all restaurants we have previously visited and eaten at. We decided to visit the following restaurants: The Colonial Inn, The Country Club, The New London Inn, The Milestone, Peter Christian’s, and Four Corners. At each restaurant we collected their restaurant business cards, talked with the owner and/or the staff, informed them of our Senior Project, asked permission to take photographs, and took notes. I was surprised at how friendly and accommodating the owners and staff members were at each restaurant we visited; they were all very interested in our project and thought it was a wonderful idea. I used my camera to take multiple pictures of the outside of the restaurant, the restaurant sign (if they had one), and of the dining rooms.

After Erin and I visited these six delicious restaurants, we drove to our Sponsor, Margaret Wulff’s, house. Once there were touched base with her and discussed the following weeks of our project. She is very excited to begin work with us once we start the decorative process for our finished binder for Admissions; she has great ideas and will help us a great deal to make the book the best and most eye catching it can be. Erin and I made a meeting time with Margaret for tomorrow at 2:30!

After we left our Sponsor’s house, we drove back to Erin’s house and began to organize all the notes and various materials we had accumulated from each restaurant. We found the perfect three ring binder for our project. It has a clear slip in the front for our cover. Erin and I divided the six restaurants we visited into two so that we would each have three restaurants to begin writing our reviews for. We discussed our plans for tomorrow, and then at 5:00, I went home.

At my house, from 5:30 to 6:30, I uploaded all the pictures I had taken of each restaurant. When we divided the restaurants, I got Four Corners, The Country Club, and The Milestone. I began to write a review for these restaurants; it’s harder than I thought it would be! I am aiming to give a precise description of each restaurant so that when a Proctor family reads the review, they will be able to know exactly what the restaurant feels and tastes like. I love writing descriptive essay’s, so this is a blast. I feel that my first day of Senior Project was a success!

Until tomorrow,


Michele Koenig said...

Great job!

WilsonL said...

Wow, becca.

Anonymous said...

Great start to your blog - can't wait to read the next installation....

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetheart - didn't think I was watching did you - I always love what you do and this is a great project - and you two deserve it, and I know that you will offer Proctor a wonderful resource. I, as always, am so happy about you!

Margaret Wulff said...

I am so excited about your senior's such a creative idea!
...not only will you be serving future families but you will be serving your Proctor community.

I feel so privileged working with such enthusiastic students!