Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Week 2, Day 8 of Senior Project!

What a long and productive day! Erin and I made a lot of progress on our project and binder today; it’s starting to look how we imagined it would!

Erin and I were able to meet with our very busy sponsor, Margaret, today! Erin and I were over at Margaret’s house working on our project from 2:00 – 5:00 !!! In this time frame, we showed Margaret all of the menus we printed out, all of the directions we printed out, and the rest of the restaurant material she had yet to see. She was very impressed and happy with what we showed her; she’s so excited that we are now able to begin the real construction of our binder. Erin and I had many questions to ask Margaret. Her input is always greatly appreciated and has really opened up new doors for our project. Erin, Margaret, and I decided that it would be most logical to order our Top 20 restaurants in our binder by area. We decided that alphabetical order would be too generic and that if we ordered it by food type it wouldn’t provide a good sense of the other restaurants nearby. Thus, we ordered the restaurants by the corresponding area, beginning with Wilmot, Danbury, New London, Grantham, and then finishing with Hanover, and Lebanon.

I thought that it would be a good idea to create a trial template for what the introductory restaurant page should look like. I wanted Margaret to be able to see it and give some advice on what to change or what to keep. I messed around on Word for a while until I finally came to the perfect format. I took pictures of the individual signs for each restaurant, and decided that those pictures should go at the top of each restaurant page. Under the photo, is where our review will go, and then underneath that will be the restaurant contact information and/or business card. Margaret really liked the layout!

While at Margaret’s, we also had a discussion about what the rest of our week looks like. Margaret is very excited at the prospect of Erin and I creating a website for out Top 20 Restaurants. We can’t wait to meet with Kim tomorrow!

After we left Margaret’s at 5:00, we made our way back to my house for the night. From 6:30 – 10:30, Erin and I worked intensively on our binder!!! I’m so happy that we are finally putting everything together; it already looks so great! Erin and I both collaborated to find attractive and eye catching scrapbook paper to place as a background for our menus, reviews, pictures, directions, etc. We spent the next 4 hours using rulers to precisely cut the directions, menus, and paper to smaller sizes. Every singly page in the binder will be a different design and color! We carefully chose each background paper so that they match the overall vibe of the restaurant. The backgrounds look so great as frames for all the material. Neither Erin nor I can believe how long it takes to cut out things! We spent 4 hours, and only completed 6 restaurants!!! Nevertheless, we feel that we have made a huge dent in our project and can’t wait to do more tomorrow!

Until then –
